This course is required training for qualification as a Task Force Leader (TFLD), or any Strike Team Leader (STEN) position under the Wildland Fire Qualifications System Guide 310-1.

The AH-330: Strike Team/Task Force Leader All Hazards course is comprised of the following objectives: concept of the position; resource typing standards; identification of hazards and risks on various incidents and how to mitigate them; recognition, planning for, and describing how to implement appropriate tactics in various incident situations with various resources organized into Strike Teams or Task Forces; identification and describing how to implement Strike Team/Task Force responsibilities prior to, and during mobilization and demobilization; identification and describing how to implement Strike Team/Task Force Leader responsibilities during incident activities; administration; supervision; entrapment avoidance; WUI; case studies; scenarios; appropriate action vs. freelancing; demonstrating the ability to apply LCES to all aspects of a tactical assignment.

Prerequisites: ICS-200.B: Incident Command System for Single Resources & Initial Action Incidents; and CICCS qualified Engine Boss, Heavy Equipment Boss or Crew Boss

Instructor: Mike Leckliter
Location: North Net Training Center
Time: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Date: May 28-31, 2024
Fee: $450
Max. Class Size: 20 max

Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate.