This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the entry level professional instructor to perform his or her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The curriculum is based on the 2012 edition of NFPA 1041 Standards for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications. At the end of the course, candidates for Instructor 1 certification will be able to teach and deliver instruction form a prepared lesson plan utilizing instructional aids and evaluation instruments. The Instructor 1 will also be able to adapt a lesson plan and complete the reporting requirements to the local jurisdiction.
Lead Instructor: Tyler Reynolds
Location: North Net Training Center
Time: 08:30 am to 5:00 pm
Date: November 4-7, 2024
Fee: $460.00 (Includes Mandatory State Fire Training Certificate Fee, Course Tuition, and Student Materials)
Hours: 40
Class Size: 32 max
Designed For: Personnel preparing for a college level fire instructor, Company Officer, or SFT Certified Training Instructor position.
Prerequisites: None , but the following courses are recommended: Introduction to the Incident Command System (IS-100.B), FEMA or National Incident Management System (IS-700.A), FEMA
Certification: Instructor 1
Standard: Complete all group activities and formative tests. Pass all individual activities without omitting critical criteria as identified on the activity sheet.
Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate