• This is a three day (24 hour) course. Machinery Rescue Technician incorporates awareness, operations, and technician training based on NFPA 1006 (2021). Key topics include sizing up an incident; establishing safety zones; mitigating hazards; stabilizing and creating access and egress openings for rescue; disentangling and removing victims; and terminating an incident. The knowledge and skills acquired will prepare an emergency responder to extricate victim(s) from machinery in a safe and effective manner in accordance with AHJ policies and procedures. Senior Instructor: Rich Atwood Location: North Net Training Center Date: May 20-22, 2025 Time: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Fee: $800.00 per individual (Course Tuition $725.00 + Mandatory SFT Certificate Fee $75.00) Continuing Education: 8-Hours/Instructor Lead Class size: 24 Prerequisites: Vehicle Extrication or Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue (SFT) Confined Space Rescue Awareness (CSTI, IAFF, or SFT) Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate & 8 Continuing Education Credit Hours
  • This is a five day (40 hour) course. Structural Collapse Specialist 1 (SCS1) meets NFPA 1006 Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications levels of Awareness and Operations. Key topics that will be covered: Establishing a plan and requesting appropriate resources, search practices and techniques, building shoring and stabilization, breaching light weight building and unreinforced masonry (URM) construction, accessing hazards related to building collapse, lifting and moving heavy objects, simulated rescue scenarios. Senior Instructor: Rich Atwood Location: North Net Training Center Date: May 12-16, 2025 Time: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Fee: $ 1,100.00 per individual (Course Tuition $1,025.00 + Mandatory SFT Certificate Fee $75.00) Class size: 36 Prerequisites: Rope Rescue Operations (SFT) or LARRO (SFT) and Rescue Systems 1 (SFT) and IS-100, IS-200, IS-700, IS-800 (FEMA-online) and Confined Space Awareness (SFT) and Structural Collapse Specialist (FEMA, computer-based training, 2017 or current edition, within 2 years of course registration).  Shall be completed prior to the class Proof of completion will be required the morning of day one. https://teex.org/class/9p2630/
  • This course is required training for qualification as a Task Force Leader (TFLD), or any Strike Team Leader (STEN) position under the Wildland Fire Qualifications System Guide 310-1. The AH-330: Strike Team/Task Force Leader All Hazards course is comprised of the following objectives: concept of the position; resource typing standards; identification of hazards and risks on various incidents and how to mitigate them; recognition, planning for, and describing how to implement appropriate tactics in various incident situations with various resources organized into Strike Teams or Task Forces; identification and describing how to implement Strike Team/Task Force responsibilities prior to, and during mobilization and demobilization; identification and describing how to implement Strike Team/Task Force Leader responsibilities during incident activities; administration; supervision; entrapment avoidance; WUI; case studies; scenarios; appropriate action vs. freelancing; demonstrating the ability to apply LCES to all aspects of a tactical assignment. Prerequisites: ICS-200.B: Incident Command System for Single Resources & Initial Action Incidents; and CICCS qualified Engine Boss, Heavy Equipment Boss or Crew Boss Instructor: Mike Leckliter Location: North Net Training Center Time: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Date: March 31- April 3, 2025 Fee: $450 Max. Class Size: 20 max Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate.
  • This course provides information on the use of human resources to accomplish assignments, evaluating member performance, supervising personnel, and integrating health and safety plans, policies, and procedures into daily activities as well as the emergency scene. Designed For: Aspiring company officers Lead Instructor: Elite Command Training Instructor, Mike Leckliter Location: North Net Training Center Time: 08:30 am to 06:30 pm Date: March 11-14, 2025 Fee: $450.00 (Includes Mandatory State Fire Training Certificate Fee, Course Tuition, and Student Materials) Prerequisites: Meet the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II Certification: Fire Officer (Level I and II) Standard: Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum score of 80%. Class Size: 32 max Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate    
  • This course provides information on general administrative functions and the implementation of department policies and procedures and addresses conveying the fire department’s role, image, and mission to the public. Designed For: Aspiring company officers Instructor: Mike Leckliter Location: North Net Training Center Time: 08:30 am to 5:00 pm Date:  April 7-8, 2025 Fee: $380.00 (Includes Mandatory State Fire Training Certificate Fee, Course Tuition, and Student Materials) Prerequisites: Meet the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II Certification: Fire Officer (Level I and II) Standard: Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum score of 80%. Class Size: 32 max Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate  
  • This is a four day 40 hour class that provides information on conducting inspections, identifying hazards and addressing violations, performing a fire investigation to determine preliminary cause and securing the indent scene and preserving evidence. Designed For: Aspiring Company Officers

    Instructor: Elite Command Training, Mike Leckliter Location: North Net Training Center

    Date: April 21-24, 2025 Time: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Fee: $450.00 (Includes Mandatory State Fire Training Certificate Fee, Course Tuition, and Student Materials)


    Prerequisites: Meet the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II

    Certification: Fire Officer (Level I and II)

    Standard: Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum score of 80%.

    Class Size: 32 Max

    Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • This course provides information on conducting incident size-up, developing and implementing an initial plan of action involving single and multiunit operations for various types of emergency incidents to mitigate the situation following agency safety procedures, conducting pre-incident planning, and develop and conduct a post-incident analysis.

    Designed For: Aspiring company officers

    Lead Instructor: Elite Command Training Instructor, Mike Leckliter Location: North Net Training Center Time: 08:30 am to 05:00 pm Date: May 12-15, 2025

    Fee: $450.00 (Includes Mandatory State Fire Training Certificate Fee, Course Tuition, and Student Materials)


    Prerequisites: Meet the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II,

    ICS-200.B: Incident Command System For Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents,

    Hazardous Material Incident Commander (as offered by the California Specialized Training Institute) Certification: Fire Officer (Level I and II) Standard: Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum score of 80%. Class Size: 30

    Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • This course provides information on evaluating and reporting incident conditions, analyzing incident needs, developing and implementing a plan of action to deploy incident resources completing all operations to suppress a wildland fire, establishing an incident command post, creating an incident action plan, and completing incident records and reports.

    Designed For: Aspiring company officers

    Lead Instructor: Elite Command Training, Mike Leckliter Location: North Net Training Center Time: 08:30 am to 05:00 pm Date: February 3-6, 2025 Fee: $450.00 (Includes Mandatory State Fire Training Certificate Fee, Course Tuition, and Student Materials)

    Prerequisites: Meet the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II All Risk Command Operations for Company Officers S-290 Intermediate Fire Behavior (classroom delivery only) Certification: Fire Officer (Level I and II) Standard: Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum score of 80%. Class Size: 30

    Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the entry level professional instructor to perform his or her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The curriculum is based on the 2012 edition of NFPA 1041 Standards for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications. At the end of the course, candidates for Instructor 1 certification will be able to teach and deliver instruction form a prepared lesson plan utilizing instructional aids and evaluation instruments. The Instructor 1 will also be able to adapt a lesson plan and complete the reporting requirements to the local jurisdiction. Lead Instructor: Tyler Reynolds Location: North Net Training Center Time: 08:30 am to 5:00 pm Date: March 25-28, 2025 Fee: $460.00 (Includes Mandatory State Fire Training Certificate Fee, Course Tuition, and Student Materials) Hours: 40 Class Size: 32 max Designed For: Personnel preparing for a college level fire instructor, Company Officer, or SFT Certified Training Instructor position. Prerequisites: None , but the following courses are recommended: Introduction to the Incident Command System (IS-100.B), FEMA or National Incident Management System (IS-700.A), FEMA Certification: Instructor 1 Standard: Complete all group activities and formative tests. Pass all individual activities without omitting critical criteria as identified on the activity sheet. Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • The Incident Communications Technician is responsible for the installation, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of communications equipment on wildland fire incidents. This course provides information and hands-on training to ensure the availability and reliability of the communication network and platforms to support incident response teams.

    Lead Instructor: Kody Kerwin

    Location: North Net Training Center

    Date: March 10 - 13, 2025

    Time: 8:00 - 5:00 pm

    Fee: $1,200.00 per individual

    Prerequisite: ICS-100, IS-700, and RT-130

    You will be notified by North Net staff if you are chosen to participate in the class.  Prompt payment is expected to hold your spot in the class.



    (Please copy and paste the link to access the nomination form) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3o24WIplnr_BxPIchxdyW4K3BqEbEqJVxNLfhd1uhLd-wuA/viewform?pli=1
  • The Incident Communication Technician (COMT) and Communications Unit Leader (COML) refresher course provides the skills and knowledge needed to perform the role of COMT or COML and maintain certification. Topics include an overview of tools and technologies used at an incident. Techniques for developing and managing the communications plan. Review of best practices, protocols, emerging technologies and more!

    Lead Instructor: Kody Kerwin

    Location: North Net Training Center

    Date: March 14, 2025

    Time: 8:00 - 5:00 pm

    Fee: $300.00 per individual

    Prerequisite: Current COMT or COML Certification

    How to register:
    1. ***SUBMIT NOMINATION FORMS FOR CONSIDERATION*** (Please copy and paste the link to access the nomination form) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3o24WIplnr_BxPIchxdyW4K3BqEbEqJVxNLfhd1uhLd-wuA/viewform?pli=1
    2. **WAIT FOR ACCEPTANCE LETTER** (You will be notified by North Net staff if you are chosen to participate in the class.)

  • This three day (24 hour) course will take you from classroom discussion to working safely and efficiently in a trench rescue environment. This hands-on training program will cover topic that include: Trench and Excavation Regulations, Understanding Soil, Trench Configurations, Trench Hazards, Rescue Team Preparation, Incident Response, Initial On Scene and Pre-Entry Operations, Shoring Systems and Components, Installation of Shoring Systems, Victim Rescue and Recovery and Incident Termination. Lead Instructor: Dan Claridge Location: Glendale Fire Station 21 421 Oak Street  , Glendale, CA, 91204 Date: April 16-18, 2025 Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Fee: $ 750.00 (Includes Mandatory State Fire Training Certificate Fee, Course Tuition, and Student Materials) Prerequisites: Structural Collapse Specialist 1 or Rescue Systems 1 & Confined Space Rescue: Awareness Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • This course will prepare participants to undergo competency testing for high angle rescue. The scope of the program is to familiarize participants with the high angle environment and experience: and for them to safely participate in the engineering and operation of simple to complex rescue systems. Location: North Net Training Center Date:May 12-16, 2025 Time: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Fee: $ 900.00 (Includes Mandatory State Fire Training Certificate Fee, Course Tuition, and Student Materials) ​ Prerequisites:Rope Rescue Awareness/Operations; or Low Angle Rope Rescue Operational and Rescue Systems 1 Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate  
  • This course provides the knowledge and skills to prepare an emergency responder to conduct operations-level tower rescue operations in a safe and effective manner in accordance with AHJ policies and procedures. Topics include PPE and rope rescue equipment; incident size up, planning, and support; constructing anchor systems; placing edge protection; constructing and using fall protection systems; constructing and operating lowering systems, simple, compound, and complex rope mechanical advantage systems, and ladder rescue systems; rescue operations in low-angle and high-angle environments; and incident termination. This course incorporates awareness and operations training based on NFPA 1006 (2021). Lead Instructor: Joe Mathias Location: North Net Training Center Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Date: June 16-20, 2025 Fee: $900.00 (Includes Mandatory State Fire Training Certificate Fee, Course Tuition, and Student Materials) Prerequisites: IS-100, IS -200, IS-700, IS-800 Class Size: 24 Max Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate.
  • Classroom C is commonly referred to as the "dirty classroom" because of its convenient location to the outside drill ground. This classroom was designed to accommodate up to 20 students and provides use of modern instructional systems. Classroom C can be rented for $55.00 per hour.
  • This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the Executive Chief Fire Officer to perform his/her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The overarching themes of this curriculum are recruitment, selection, and placement of human resources; the development of a positive and participative member/management program; the establishment and evaluation of a list of education and in-service training goals; appraisal of a member assistance program; and the evaluation of an incentive program to determine if the desired results are achieved Lead Instructor: Elite Command Training, Mike Bryant Location: North Net Training Center Time: 8:00 - 5:00 pm (Class concludes at 12:00 pm on January 16) Date: January 13-16, 2025 *Class will end on 01/16/25 at noon* Fee: $480.00 ( Course Tuition $340.00 + Mandatory SFT Certificate Fee $140.00) Prerequisites: Meet educational requirements for Chief Fire Officer or five (5) years as career chief officer, or seven (7) years as a volunteer officer Certification: Executive Chief Fire Officer Standard: Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum score of 80%. Class Size: 24 max Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • Classroom D

    From: $85.00
    Classroom D is conveniently located from the interior or exterior stairwell of the facility. Classroom D comes equip with state of the art audial visual equipment. This classroom can accommodate up to 40 people. Classroom D can be rented for $80.00 an hour.
  • This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the Executive Chief Fire Officer to perform his/her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The overarching theme of this curriculum is assuming a leadership role in community events. Designed For: Executive Chief Fire Officer Candidate Lead Instructor: Elite Command Training, Mike Bryant Location: North Net Training Center Time: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Date: January 16, 2025 at 1:00 pm - January 17, 2025 Fee: $300.00 ( Course Tuition $160.00 + Mandatory SFT Certificate Fee $140.00) Class Size: 24 max Prerequisites: Meet educational requirements for Chief Fire Officer or five (5) years as career chief officer, or seven (7) years as a volunteer officer Certification: Executive Chief Fire Officer Standard: Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum score of 80%. Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • The Conference Room seats 18 around the table and can accommodate a total of 40 people. Modern instructional systems are available upon request. The Conference Room can be rented for $85.00 an hour.
  • This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the Executive Chief Fire Officer to perform his/her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The overarching themes of this curriculum are developing a comprehensive, longrange plan; evaluating and projecting training requirements, facilities, and building needs; completing a written comprehensive risk, hazard, and value analysis; and developing a plan for a capital improvement project or program. Designed For: Executive Chief Fire Officer Candidate Lead Instructor: Elite Command Training, Mike Bryant Location: North Net Training Center Time: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Date: January 27-30, 2025 (Class concludes at 12:00 pm on January 30) Fee: $450.00 ( Course Tuition $310.00 + Mandatory SFT Certificate Fee $140.00) Class Size: 24 Students Max Prerequisites: Meet educational requirements for Chief Fire Officer or five (5) years as career chief officer, or seven (7) years as a volunteer officer Certification: Executive Chief Fire Officer Standard: Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum score of 80%. Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the Executive Chief Fire Officer to perform his/her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The overarching themes of this curriculum are developing a comprehensive disaster plan and a comprehensive plan for the organization to operate at a civil disturbance. Designed For: Executive Chief Fire Officer Candidate Lead Instructor: Elite Command Training, Mike Bryant Location: North Net Training Center Time: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Date: February 10-14, 2025 Fee: $525.00 ( Course Tuition $385.00 + Mandatory SFT Certificate Fee $140.00) Class Size: 24 Students Max Prerequisites: Meet educational requirements for Chief Fire Officer or five (5) years as career chief officer, or seven (7) years as a volunteer officer Certification: Executive Chief Fire Officer Standard: Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum score of 80%. Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • Multipurpose Room

    From: $105.00
    The Multipurpose Room is the largest room in the facility. It will accommodate up to 100 students and provides use of modern instructional systems. The Multipurpose Room can be rented for $85.00 an hour.
  • This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the Executive Chief Fire Officer to perform his/her duties safely, effectively, and competently.  The overarching theme of this curriculum is maintaining, developing, and providing leadership for a risk management program. Designed For: Executive Chief Fire Officer Candidate Lead Instructor: Elite Command Training, Mike Bryant Location: North Net Training Center Time: 8:30am to 5:00 pm Date: January 30 at 1:00 pm-31, 2025 Fee: $340.00 ( Course Tuition $200.00 + Mandatory SFT Certificate Fee $140.00) Class Size: 24 Students Max Prerequisites: Meet educational requirements for Chief Fire Officer or five (5) years as career chief officer, or seven (7) years as a volunteer officer Certification: Executive Chief Fire Officer Standard: Complete all activities and formative tests. Complete all summative tests with a minimum score of 80%. Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • Incident Commander: This course provides the tools a person needs to assume control of an emergency response to a hazardous materials incident. Instructional methods include class activities, case studies and table top exercises with emphasis on hands-on decision making. Course topics include:
    • Laws and Regulations
    • Hazard Assessment
    • ICS Team Typing
    • Proactive Actions
    • Hazmat Site Safety
    • Operational Risk Management
    • Incident Termination
    Instructor: Elite Command Training Location: North Net Training Center Date: April 28 & 29, 2025 Time: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Course Length: 16 hours Fee: $330.00 Upon class completion students will receive a California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) certificate.
  • This course provides training for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). This course expands upon information covered in the ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses. Designed For: Individuals who may assume a supervisory role in incidents. Note: During a Type 3 incident, some or all of the Command and General Staff positions may be activated, as well as Division/Group Supervisor and/or Unit Leader level positions. These incidents may extend into multiple operational periods. Lead Instructor: Dave Norman Location: North Net Training Center Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Date: February 19-21, 2025 Fee: $140.00

    Prerequisites: IS0100, Introduction to the Incident Command System; IS0200, Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response; IS0700, National Incident Management System, An Introduction; and IS0800, National Response Framework, An Introduction .

    Class Size: 40 Max

    Upon class completion students will receive a California State Fire Marshal Certificate
  • This five-day course provides students with a solid foundation of the activities, processes, leadership elements and the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to function within the framework of a Type 3 AHIMT deployed to an incident or planned event. Location: North Net Training Center Date: February 24-28, 2025 Time: 0800-1700 Fee: Free Prerequisite: ICS- 300 and associated with a government entity Upon class completion students will receive a FEMA course completion Certificate


    You will be notified by North Net staff if you are chosen to participate in the class. 

    For any questions please contact Battalion Chief Colonelli at ncolonelli@anaheim.net
  • This course is designed for a Public Information Officer (PIO) assigned to an incident as a member of an All-Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT) and local IMTs, as well as for the PIO assigned to an incident as an Assistant PIO in a variety of capacities. This course will help participants develop a strong set of core PIO skills and the ability to apply them within the context of an AHIMT. This course is also distinct from other information function courses in that it combines elements from both the basic and advanced functions to concentrate training on the fundamental duties and responsibilities of the PIO in an all-hazards environment. Lead Instructor: Elite Command Training Location: North Net Training Center Time: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Date: March 24-28, 2025 Fee: $650.00

    Prerequisites: ICS 100, 200, 300, 400, IS 0700a and IS-800b Class Size: 28 Max

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